Tuesday, February 3, 2009



The second day of training started with a highly enthusiasm. Everyone wanted to open her or his own blog.

Blog is not a new term to most of the Tanzanian journalists, but few of them managed to have their own blog. Others including myself do not have our blog. This is due to lack of technology on how to open and go thru.

In order to begin with anything like IT, one needs to be capacitated. I am saying this because it is not easy for one to operate or to make his or her own blog or anything on IT categories without being assisted.

It is true that, for a journalist who is always a writer and a reader he/she should have a blog where his or her clients (readers) can get all the information from one place. In other word I would like to call that a blogger is like a personnel file of somebody, if you manage to open you can get everything concerning with information. Like general news etc.

Thanks to our Lecturer Mr. Peik who’s since yesterday speaking to us without being tired on how to go about in Internet in relations to our professions.

In today’s lecture we also look and read up on Ruderp Murdoch, a famous journalist in America. In his speech he mentioned all about using of new technology on getting or reading of news. Although he was insisted that print media will exist but he shows how faster and reliable on digital news and all issues on soft copy materials information’s.(Kindly visit google and then write Speech Ruderp Murdoch American editors)

From now on I would like to announce that, you are welcome to visit my Bloggs www.ngajilanag.com or www.glandesshemedi.com

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